Exploration of Nitzschia from the Coastal Water of Suak Ribee, West Aceh Regency, Indonesia
Exploration of Nitzschia from the Coastal Water of Suak Ribee, West Aceh Regency, Indonesia
Nitzschia, Suak Ribee beach, SEM, IndonesiaAbstract
Indonesia, a critical biodiversity hotspot, harbors diverse ecosystems. Diatoms, siliceous microalgae, are crucial in primary production and oxygen generation globally. With over 100,000 identified species, diatoms exhibit vast morphological diversity influenced by their unique cell division and life cycle. They are significant food sources for zooplankton, contributing to silica sequestration in aquatic environments and vital biological indicators of water quality, responding to environmental changes. The genus Nitzschia, a diverse group comprising nearly 3,000 names classified within the Sigmoideae group, has been found valuable in aquaculture due to its fatty acid content. This study isolates and identifies Nitzschia, a diatom from Suak Ribee Beach, West Aceh Regency, Indonesia, utilizing morphological characteristics for species identification. The research aims to contribute to understanding diatom diversity and ecological roles in this coastal environment.
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