Fish diseases and fish health investment needs for aquaculture sector in Kenya
Fish health investment needs in Kenya
Aquaculture, Diseases, Fish health, Investment, KenyaAbstract
Aquaculture plays an important role in provision of food, livelihood and source of income in Kenya. There is a rapid shift from extensive methods to semi-intensive and intensive culture methods with the potential of producing higher output. However, intensification in aquaculture comes with risks of diseases. In recent years, there has been an increase of emerging and re-emerging diseases in aquaculture. Increased occurrence of diseases in aquaculture production systems leads to reduced profits, affecting the social and economic sustainability of aquaculture. To mitigate the negative impact of fish diseases in aquaculture, rapid discovery, characterization, and diagnosis of causative agents and risk factors are crucial for the development of effective control measures. Furthermore, investment in skilled personnel/researchers, development of relevant prophylactics, biopesticides and chemo-therapeutants, well-equipped and dedicated laboratories, institutional capacity governing aquatic animal health issues, routine surveillance, quarantine facilities and improving the linkages between various stakeholders in the aquatic animal health issues nationally and beyond will be critical in improving fish health and disease control in the aquaculture sector in Kenya.
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