Evaluation of the in vitro effect of cystein on sperm quality of Çoruh trout (Salmo coruhensis)
Cysteine, sperm quality, Salmo coruhensis, Çoruh trout.Abstract
In this study, trials were conducted to assess the impact of cysteine addition to activation solution on sperm motility of Çoruh trout (Salmo coruhensis). In the trial, we used to different concentrations [0 mM (Control), 1 mM, 2 mM and 4 mM] of cysteine. Sperm motility characteristics and motility were determined. The current study revealed that the presence of cysteine resulted in an increase in sperm motility. The increases in duration (39.00±6.98 s) and motility rate (96.67±5.77%) at 2 mM were statistically significant (p<0.05). Overall, supplementation of cysteine to activation solution can increase the sperm motility of Çoruh trout and high doses of cysteine cause reduction on sperm motility.
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