Where Have All the Good Editors Gone? - A Necessary Polemic
Editorship, scientific papers, publishing, review process scientific journals, ranked aquaculture journals, critical considerations, nomenclature, taxonomic databasesAbstract
In the new age, where a certain political elite has made alternative facts and fake news acceptable to the public, it is not surprising that strange papers appear even in highly ranked aquaculture journals: articles with fake bibliographies or missing or at least very poor identification of the organisms studied. They appear without any sanction or commentary and even pretend to be peer-reviewed. Who knows if results or even entire articles are homemade? Can we be sure that results or even entire articles are not just fabricated fairytales? Is it of any surprise that Open Access (OA) journals, including those from major publishers, do not fight these tendencies? Earning article processing charges appears to counts more than science! Where have all the good scientific editors gone?
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