Temporal Variation of Hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) Demographics in Bangladesh
Condition factor, Form factor, Growth pattern, Tenualosa ilishaAbstract
Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) is the most significant open-water single-species fishery in Bangladesh. A study was performed to determine the length frequency distribution, length-length and length-weight relationship, form factor and condition factor of this species based on the length-weight (L-W) data comprised of 62092 specimens collected from 12 commercial landing stations of Bangladesh from January 2018 to December 2019. The total length and body weight ranged from 18.0-59.6 cm and 56.0-2532.0 g for females, and 11.0-52.5 cm and 14.0-1486.0 g for males, respectively. The length frequency distribution indicated that the percentage of females between 36.0-37.0 cm and males between 33.0-34.0 cm size groups were more abundant than other size classes. The overall allometric coefficient (b) values (b = 3.12 for females; b = 3.21 for males) denoted positive allometric growth (A+) for both sexes. Moreover, the length-length relationship was also strongly associated (r2 > 0.956; p < 0.05). The form factor values were 0.0103 for females and 0.0096 for males in this study. Fulton’s condition factor exhibited a significant correlation with both total length and body weight, hence making it an ideal condition factor for predicting the fitness of this species. The findings from the present study will serve as a useful tool for conservationists, fish biologists and managers of fisheries to quickly formulate management plans and guidelines for the sustainability of this species in Bangladesh and its surrounding nations.
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