Seaweed: a prominent source of protein and other nutrients
It is crucially important to provide a sufficient food supply to ensure food security in the context of an increasing global population, shrinking cropland, and changes in the environment. The availability of adequate nourishment is important for both human and animal health. A strong dietary protein source is animal products, particularly their proteins, however, because of the large carbon footprint associated with their production, efforts to find alternative protein sources have been made. This study sought to provide more information on the development of scientific research into the nutritional properties of seaweed as an alternative source of nutrients. When it comes to mariculture or controlled fisheries, seaweed has a clean, renewable supply that is natural, sustainable, and has a natural origin. Being a good source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and minerals, seaweed has a high nutritional value, derived from seawater based on environmental and seasonal factors. To increase seaweed production to a commercial level and win over consumers all over the world, efforts must be made to sustainable seaweed cultivation and better management. Furthermore, more study is required to optimize the process of seaweed protein extraction for applications in food and nutraceuticals.
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