Freshwater Snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of the Kızılırmak Delta (Samsun, Türkiye)
Kızılırmak Delta, Fresh Water, Malacofauna, Gastropoda, Samsun, TürkiyeAbstract
The Kızılırmak Delta was declared as a Ramsar Site because of its location on the birds migration routes and high exposure to anthropogenic pressures on the delta. There are recent comprehensive studies conducted to determine the trophic levels of the lakes in the delta, together with faunal studies to assess its biodiversity. However, there are limited preliminary studies on the freshwater snail fauna. In this study, we determined 15 species, including two from Neritimorpha, three from Caenogastropoda, and ten from Heterobranchia, at 25 stations in the research area. Gyraulus piscinarum (N: 462) was abundant at most stations, while Acroloxus lacustris (N: 1) was determined at one station. We recorded Armiger crista, G. piscinarum, and A.lacustris for the first time from the study area and in the Black Sea Region. Theodoxus major and Ecrobia maritima, which arePonto-Caspian species, are classified as "Data Deficient" (DD)according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature(IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species Data (2022). In addition, the populations of Valvata macrostoma (LC-Decreasing) aredeclining, and there is no information about the population status of Ecrobia ventrosa (LC), Planorbis planorbis (LC), and G.piscinarum (LC). Detailed fauna studies should be completed in our country urgently to determine the factors that threaten freshwater snails and to take the necessary protective measures. This is the first comprehensive study to determine the freshwater snail fauna of the Kızılırmak Delta to close the malacofaunal gap in the region.
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