Assessment and classification of water quality using different water quality indices in the coastal waters of Eastern Aegean Sea
Seawater Quality Index, Ecological Index, Physico-Chemical Variables, Anthropogenic Activities, TRIX, Eastern Aegean SeaAbstract
The water quality monitoring in coastal areas of Aegean Sea interpreted through indices provides easy to understand and simple information for coastal managers and the general public. The Coastal Water Quality Index (CWQI) synthesizes the status of the eight water quality indicators such as chlorophyll a, total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate+nitrite, total phosphorus, pH, dissolved oxygen; and fecal coliform into a single indicator of water quality. The CWQI compares measured variables to standard values. Seawater samples at 14 sampling points between 2014 and 2015 from Güllük Bay, Akköy and Ildır Bay of the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean), have been analyzed seasonally in the current study. Investigation of environmental parameters demonstrated unsuitable water quality in some stations from Güllük Bay and Akköy. The anthropogenic inputs may be the likely reason for unsuitable water quality. However, generally good water quality was observed at Ildır stations indicating suitability of those areas for human activities like recreation. Furthermore, fecal contamination risk was detected at some stations in Akköy and Ildır.
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