Status and problems of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) seed production using androgen hormone in Bangladesh
Status of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) seed production using androgen hormone
Tilapia seed, 17α-methyl testosterone, Sex reversal rateAbstract
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has become a fast-growing aquaculture species in Bangladesh. This study investigated the status of existing practices for monosex tilapia production in aquaculture farms of Bangladesh. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The survey revealed that own hatchery origin brood fishes were used by 50%, 44% and 33% hatcheries in Mymensingh, Jessore and Cumilla, respectively. The weight ofnbroods ranged from 200 to 350 g. The majority of hatcheries of Mymensingh (50%) and Jessore (83%) maintained male: female ratio of 1:2, but 50% hatcheries in Cumilla maintained 1:1 ratio for breeding. Average dose of hormone (17α-methyltestosterone) for producing monosex (all male) tilapia seed was 77.50 mg/kg feed, 57.50 mg/kg feed, 51.00 mg/kg feed in Mymensingh, Jessore and Cumilla, respectively. The average sex reversal rate was the nhighest (92.5%) in Mymensingh followed by 89% in Jessore and 83% in Cumilla. The highest average survival rate of fry was found in Mymensingh (77%) followed by Jessore (75%) and Cumilla (63%). Monitoring of monosex tilapia production process using 17α-methyltestosterone is needed to help enhance the quality and maximize the production of tilapia monosex seed.
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