Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
Emerging pollutants, Living Organisms, Plastic, MicroplasticAbstract
Large plastic debris is broken down into smaller pieces by different mechanisms such as weathering, light degradation and biodegradation, eventually turning into microplastics (˂5 mm). Microplastics can also enter the marine ecosystems directly via rivers, waste discharges, and the dumping of waste by the people. Marine organisms are directly and indirectly exposed to accidental feeding from microplastics. Microplastics, apart from the physical effects of being consumed by living organisms, can be a carrier of contaminants to be absorbed. Numerous studies have reported pollutants can be absorbed by microplastics and enriched in seas and oceans. Therefore, the study of the presence, distribution and accumulation of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems can create a comprehensive model in the integrated management of these emerging pollutants. In this study, the origin, fate and behavior of microplastics in marine ecosystems were examined to determine the sources of microplastics in these ecosystems and their effects on living organisms and trophic transmission.
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