Heavy metal accumulation in molluscs associated with Cystoseira barbata in the Black Sea (Türkiye)
Cystoseira barbata, Heavy metals, Metal Pollution Index, Molluscs, Sinop, Black SeaAbstract
Species that share the same habitat in the aquatic environment are affected by the pollution they are exposed to and this pollution can accumulate in various amounts in each species. This preliminary study focuses on heavy metal accumulation in different mollusc species associated with a macroalga. Accumulation levels of ten heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, As, Pb, Sn, Mn, Fe, Se) in five molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Tricolia pullus pullus, Bittium reticulatum, Tritia neritea, Rissoa splendida) and Cystoseira barbata were investigated in Karakum (Sinop Peninsula/Black Sea) on May 2019. Heavy metals determinations were performed by the Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). The amount of heavy metal accumulated in the species in decreasing order is Fe> Ni> Mn> Zn> As> Cu> Cd> Se> Pb> Sn. The level of As accumulation in C. barbata was described according to the quality criteria for edible algae sold in France. Cd, Ni, As, and Zn concentrations in different species of mollusca were above either national or international limits. The total metal accumulation of each species was also examined using the Metal Pollution Index (MPI). Sorting between species according to MPI value was determined as C. barbata >B. reticulatum > R. splendida > T. neritea > T.pullus pullus > M. galloprovincialis. The highest metal accumulation was in C. barbata. The high detection of metal pollution in the work area shows that the aquatic environment is polluted from many sources.
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